First, Karen. My dear friend Karen Kornbluh decided to surprise us with dinner from 2 Amy's on a Wednesday night. The doctors had just told us that Harry couldn't go to London and was limited essentially to a one-hour flight from DC. We planned to rent a home on Nantucket, where we have vacationed all but three of the past fifteen years. Ken casually joked to Karen about whether she knew anyone with a private jet to get us there. (Truth is, Ken's Republican contacts couldn't get us a flight.) We have nothing against commercial carriers -- our main concern was whether we could expose Harry to germs on a big plane. Karen, always in the know, took out her phone and sent an email (because Karen is old school and does not text.)
Karen emailed her friend Tamera Luzzatto, who said she would ask around. In Washington, this usually means the's DOA. But....on Saturday night, we received an email that things looked good. We still did not think much of this. But by 6:30 am Sunday morning, Tamera emailed that she had been with pilot friends who may have a spot. And when Tamera called later that day, she confirmed our spots and told me the friends were wonderful people, progressive and good Democrats. (Ken feared the ride would be rescinded when they saw his email address.)
Tamera & David visit in Sconset |
There is a reason why Tamera is a legendary figure in Washington. She is not just smart, but a genuinely kind person who reaches out and when given a task (even that of a strange favor) gets the job done. Both of us feel Tamera should be running this country! Luzzatto 2016! (And even though Tamera is the one with the historical Jewish 'roots' [only through marriage] when you think of David, one word comes to mind - Mensch!). By 11 am Sunday, I heard from Tamera's pilot friend Stephanie Cooper
Stephanie and I spoke the next day, she was so gracious that she made me
feel that I was doing them the favor of allowing Harry to ride with
them. Stephanie is warm and generous and the kind of a person who puts you totally at ease. From the moment you meet her, you feel
as if you've always known her. Not only did
Stephanie give us a flight to Nantucket, she picked us up at the airport, drove us to
the house and invited us for dinner the next night. Stephanie, and her husband Irwin, are angels. They fly
wounded veterans as part of the Veterans Airlift Command. Stephanie
trains therapy dogs for children with autism, people with learning disabilities
and for oncology patients. As she told me, these issues have taken
precedence over politics.
And dinner at the Greenbergs during Hurricane Arthur was the best part of our trip. Not only did we feel right at home, we met some outstanding individuals, including noted physicians and staff from Johns Hopkins University Medical Center.
Stephanie meeting the plane in ACK |
Harry may never go commercial again | | | | | | | | |
Nantucket has always been a special place for us ever since we started visiting fifteen years ago. Ken's dear friend from college, John Marganore, offered us his beautiful home in Sconset the second he heard we were thinking of visiting Nantucket. Unfortunately, the fact John could offer the house meant that he and his family wouldn't be there to spend time with us.
John and Ken have been there for each other in tough times for more than three decades now. John, you may recall, is the biotech CEO who was already owed a million thanks for reaching out to industry colleagues as soon as Harry was diagnosed. John got Harry into an experimental protocol for a targeted therapy for BPDCN were he to need it.
We are deeply grateful to John, Christine and their daughters Sophie & Lexie, for allowing us stay at their gorgeous place in Sconset. They were traveling in Europe, so here's a photo of a photo of them:
The Maraganores at the Downey Flake |
During only four days, we crammed a lot in - Something Natural, Cisco Brewers, Proprietors, Black Eyed Susan's, Boarding House, Juice Bar, Sconset Market, Fat Ladies, The Pond, Pharmacy, shopping 'downtown', Fireworks at Jetties and SURFING...(Downey Flake -- we'll get you next time.)
Harry's friend Casey joined us (a day late as he got stuck in Boston due to the big storm! Stuck by himself. At age 15.) Once Casey arrived, they met up with Sam Panner.
On the Beach with the Panners. |