Thursday, April 30, 2015

We're back!

I stopped posting after the last blood drive, so I will begin before the next in 2 days.  Here's what Harry has been doing.   Harry was able to complete a year of treatment in only 9 months, making him a chemo over achiever.  So that called for a party at August's house!  August, Dahlia & Raina put together the bash.
Despite appearances there were lots of girls.  Ok maybe not lots but there were girls.
The Chemo Cake!

With a year down, Harry still looking at 2 1/2 more years.  But the schedule has changed.  I will detail that our our next writing.

We actually took a vacation and went to Florida.  We have never taken a vacation that did not include tagging along for Ken's work or staying at a friend's place.  This was a novelty.  Thanks to Ken's friend Jeff Shell, Harry was treated like royalty at Universal Studios with no waiting in any lines and a reserved table at Leaky Cauldron.  Then we headed down to Boca for beach time.
Of course they find the only store in Diagon Alley with Hebrew


But of course nothing runs that easy. The day before we left Harry broke his arm playing basketball.  We just don't spend enough time at CNMC. 

February Harry & Casey went to the school Valentine's dance.