Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Best Buddies Homecoming With A Side of Skins

Harry and one of the Best Buddies Cheerleaders!

Ken crosses the finish line
He did it!  Harry completed the 100k Best Buddies Challenge on Saturday.  Being a neurotic Jewish mother, I had expected he would have to stop at some point, but this time, I felt well-grounded in my angst. I made certain the Best Buddies folks would keep an eye out for Harry and have a trail car or support van nearby.  Plus Ken would ride along side him.  Harry agreed that riding together with his dad was more important than completing the route quickly.  This sweet attitude lasted less than 30 seconds, after which Harry blew past Ken.  Harry wound up getting off trail and had to retrace his path.  He was a bit upset that he finished an hour past his time last year, but it was still close to 4 hours. Not bad for a guy on chemo.  Ken, not a guy on chemo, took a bit longer.  Maybe 2 hours longer.  Maybe more.  But he finished and made it back alive.  Bruised, bloody but definitely with a pulse.  In the end, my neurosis was misplaced: I should have had Ken shadowed, not Harry.

Lunching with the Lintotts after a shower

Deep appreciation to everyone who supported Harry.  He was the 9th highest fundraiser overall!  And his team, Sidwell, took first place among all schools!  He raised $5400 which all goes towards programs for promoting friendships and job creation for individuals who are intellectually disadvantaged.  (Another wonderful program is Ken's Krew www.kenskrew.org, which trains individuals entering the workplace and helps them secure jobs).

And after the race we spent time with May Liang Lintott & Marcus, whose generously sponsor the annual event.

From Best Buddies, Harry has met many wonderful people whom he admires.  One is Syd Lea who won this year's ride.  Syd is a seven-time Special Olympic gold medalist.  For those who ride, the Leas are the First Family of cycling.  Brother Bobby, is a two-time Olympic cyclist.  And both their parents, Rob & Tracy, ride competitively.

Later that evening Harry went to dinner and homecoming with foreign exchange student,  Jassi.  Unlike many schools that actually dress up for a dance, Harry's school has a theme.  This year was Wizard of Oz, and he tried out his inner flying monkey. 

Miles, Harry & Casey in the box
And, if the weekend was not already jam-packed, Sunday was Redskins Day. The United Arab Emirates Embassy donated seats in its luxurious owner's suite to Children's National Medical Center.  Harry was lucky enough to be gifted 4 seats and field passes to the Titans game.  He brought Casey & Miles -- and since premium parking was included, he brought along Ken, whose muscles were still aching.  After walking on the field near Redskins greats, and enjoying snacks at the buffet, Harry, Ken and the boys watched some football before making up all the calories they burned off Saturday at the kosher stand at FedEx Field.  (Harry and Ken agree: kosher food at FedEx is much better than at Nats Park.  But the kosher stand at Camden Yards tops them both.)  All four enjoyed a close game and a great Redskins victory.  Maybe the Redskins need Harry in the house every home game.
Ken & Harry on the field.  Harry's karma helps the Redskins to victory

Back to the hospital tomorrow, Wednesday for 4 days.   

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