And his numbers went up! From 520 to 2000. So delayed intensification could be delayed no more.
The new medications include Doxorubicin, which has a cumulative effect. By week three, which is December 15th, we expect Harry's counts to drop, his hair to fall out, his muscles to be weak -- and Harry will again need transfusions. Of these, the factor that impacts Harry the most will be muscle weakness as it keeps from cycling.
And the need to exercise will increased to counter the effects of Dexamethadone, a steroid that causes mood swings, anger, and insomnia. Or just intensifies the basic side effects of being a teenager.
He will also be on Erwinia three times a week for four weeks. Which means three visits a week to CNMC for the next month
There will be two lumbar punctures, hold the anesthesia. Two full days of Ara C. And on day 29, two weeks of home care when the nurses come to us. Why can't they always come? I have no answer for that. But we would miss the gang on the 4th floor.
Other meds include Thioguanine which will also lower his blood counts, and force him to avoid citrus & milk, and Vincristine.
Round 4 = 6 meds. And before you think no nausea as it is not mentioned as a side effect, just remember: it is always a side effect.
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