A quick Shavout update for the last two days. While I promise brevity, a lot went on:
On Wednesday, Harry had three procedures:
1. A double bone aspiration to see if the cancer was in the bone marrow (which would make this a full blown leukemia). We are still waiting for results,
2. Installation of a central line - this is a port into the chest through which he will receive chemo. This replaces an arm IV. All fluids now go through this central line.
3. A spinal tap to see if cancer cells are present in the spinal fluid: the answer is no, they were not. Again, this is great news. The less it spreads the better.
In addition, he received chemo directly into the spine while under anesthesia. He later received his first chemo through the IV as he entertained friends. This is called "party trick chemo" as the chemo goes in red -- and can come out of you red as well.
Wednesday night, the chemo effects kicked in but by Thursday afternoon they were a full force hurricane. Think Katrina but in your body combined with the pain of a double aspiration right where your initial disease, ankylosing spondylitis, is headquartered. Harry was tough, refusing pain meds (I'm not afraid of addiction, just aware if it.). Finally a morphine trip was inserted against the patient's wishes but answering his parents prayers for relief.
While we have started chemo, we are still in touch with many biotech friends and are debating joining a clinical trial for SL401 which has had success with adults. A place will be reserved for Harry in the clinical trial, should he choose.
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