Friday, June 6, 2014

Lice or Cancer?

As we enter the weekend, and turn to Shabbat, we look at religion.  Many prayer services have been dedicated to Harry's recovery. We mentioned several Jewish & Catholic services this week, and have a fourth Shavuot learning session to report, this time in Kemp Mill.  Our friend Robert Chartener felt the Episcopalians should not be outdone, so, as a trustee of the National Cathedral Foundation, he contacted the Dean of the National Cathedral to include Harry in prayers at the Cathedral.  Harry will also be named in prayers at Trinity Episcopal Church in Concord, MA this week, thanks to Robert.  We are now looking for Shinto sacrifices and Zoroastrian offerings to cover our bases.   

Harry slept in until 11:00 AM, and shortly thereafter, his first visitors arrived. Two friends from school, Victor and Abass, came in time to attend a Hope for Henry event with Harry. They got to meet the girls from the DC Spirit, Washington's soccer team!

Ms. Lanpher, Harry's English teacher also paid a visit.  Ms. Lanpher was unlucky enough to have both Harry and Raina in sequential years.

Next, Harry's friends from Chinese class, Danny and Abby, came and watched "Ali G" with Harry.  Abby, seamstress extraordinaire, promised to make Harry a hat.

But the biggest thing was the support from the JPDS crew.  Harry's most important visit today came from John Cullen, the hairdresser, and Harry's JPDS friends, Jacob, Bennett, Alan, Aaron, and Bryan.  The boys decided to shave their own heads in solidarity in solidarity with Harry.  Harry asked John if he could get the "distinguished, sexy soccer player" look, and he definitely did.  The boys then discussed whether they should shave other bodily hair together.  Alan suggested they all get Brazilians.  With shaved heads, they wondered: do they look more Israeli or Russian?

Amy asked Nanci whether she would stay in the room when Bennett shaved, to which Nancy replied: "I've already shaved him when he had lice."  So if anyone asks Harry has lice, not cancer.  Shhh!

Harry announced that he looked like Aang from Avatar: The Last Airbender, which greatly confused Ken.  "What's an Airbender? It's impossible to bend air!"

The medical highlight was that the BONE  MARROW test came back NEGATIVE!  There is no cancer in the marrow, meaning that we are in an early stage with no leukemia.  Ever think you'd be happy just to have lymphoma? So here's the great (or as great as cancer news can be): only one malignant tumor and nothing in the spinal fluid or marrow.  Yay, kind of?

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