Monday, June 2, 2014

Mercedes Boy at Heart

We all knew that we Weinsteins are German and that Harry loves cars, but this is just ridiculous!  His echo-cardiogram today shows that he has a Mercedes symbol in his heart.

Today, Harry's fourth day in the hospital, was filled with tests and doctor's appointments.  In addition to meetings with his doctors here at Children's, Ken has been on the phone with doctors in Boston, New York, Philadelphia, Paris (France not Texas), Houston (Texas not France), and just about any major city. We are profoundly grateful to Ken's close friends from college, Tom Lee, now Director of Pediatric Surgery at Stony Brook, and John Maragnore, CEO of the biotech company Alnylam, for providing critical guidance and introductions that are helping us sort through the (new, for us) world of pediatric hematological ontology. Colleagues of Tom and John took and made calls on Saturday night and Sunday to help us navigate the challenges we face. Apologies to those who came to visit us at such a time -- especially our dear friends Leah, Lisa, and Mindy.

In the morning, Harry's friend Rachael, a graduating senior at Sidwell, spent an hour with him.  She updated him on all the latest happenings around school.   Rachael's visit truly meant a lot to Harry, and it was great to see him having so much fun.

In the late afternoon, world-renowned pastry chef Paula Shoyer dropped of some treats for Harry, including some seriously delicious scones.  Jeanie and Pamela, organizers extraordinaire, helped clean up our room so well that know it might rival the Four Seasons!

When Rabbi and Rebbetzin Freundel came to visit, he got an inside look on his favorite TV show, Ali G. Rabbi Freundel had been a guest on the show and shared all of his insider knowledge on the world of Sasha Baron Cohen.  Rebbetzin Freundel also offered her services as a driving instructor to Raina, which will surely save us from any more terror filled rides.  Later in the evening, Harry's beloved bar mitzvah tutor Howard Rosen dropped by.  Howard brought lots of book choices for Harry, including some that Ken is excited for Harry to read.

Tomorrow, Harry has his PET scan.  Yesterday, as his doctor was trying to explain the technology, Harry was using his science from school to explain it before the doctor.  Thanks to Miss Badia for teaching him about the Doppler effect and radiation.

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